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Complex surafce treatment plant

  • Client:
    Miroslavské strojírny s.r.o.
  • Year:
  • Location:
    Miroslav (CZ)
  • Technological specification:
    • Product dimension limits
    • 4500 × 800 × 2200 mm (L × W × H)
    • Product weight limit:
    • 250 kg per beam of 4,5 m length

    • Five-phase dip tank system pre-treament
    • Water demineralization facility
    • Wastewater treatment unit
    • Automatic conveyor in pre-treatment section
    • Manual conveyor
    • Drying chamber oven
    • Manual coating booth
    • Polymerizing chamber oven
    • Control system
    • Manual blasting chamber
    • 6150 × 5150 × 4000 mm (L × W × H)
    • Manual blasting chamber with M-section
    • 6150 × 4650 × 4000 mm (L × W × H)
    • Manual spray paint booth
    • 6000 × 4000 × 2800 mm (L × W × H)
    • Compressor station

Project description

Complex surface treatment plant

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